If you’re not familiar with Splunk (I wasn’t), it’s essentially an Enterprise monitoring and reporting tool that produces reports based on data generated by IT systems. According to the Splunk website, “it’s the easy, fast and resilient way to collect, analyze and secure the massive streams of machine data generated by all your IT systems and technology infrastructure.” If you can see how this might be used in a FIM context, then you’re not alone, because Oxford Computer Group have just released the Splunk for FIM App.
Announced on LinkedIn over the Easter Weekend by Sjef Van Leeuwen (Lead Software Developer at OCG), the Splunk for FIM app not only provides a dashboard for monitoring FIM operations, but also includes historic user and group data – allowing you to look at a group or user at a given point in time
I haven’t installed Splunk yet, but plan to do so in the coming weeks and will add my review to the appropriate page in my FIM Tools section once I’ve had a chance to take a real look at it.