Am currently attending the first annual Oxford Computer Group Redmond Identity, Access & Directory Summit at Microsoft HQ. In a talk given by Andreas Kjellman a few minutes ago, he announced FIM 2010 R2 SP1 just went public – no KB or release notes, but you can download via your MSDN subscriber benefits.
A number of benefits in the service pack, including support for 2012 releases (Sharepoint and so forth). More details sure to follow with the KN, but main benefits I see are the further enhancements to group management performance on the AD and ECMA2 MA’s. Apparently the groups went 2.4x faster on their sample set.
Update: Spoke to Andreas again later last night – he expressed that this really is just a service pack, so don’t expect a lot of new functionality – the real focus was on providing compatibility. Probably one thing which will interest people however is that System Center 2012 is now supported for the FIM reporting, whereas pre-SP1 you were limited to System Center 2010 SP1 (and indeed, the EULA actually said you weren’t permitted to use 2012, not that it worked anyway). Anyway, I’m sure that will come in handy for some people.
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