Category: ECMA2

  • Microsoft Releases SharePoint User Profile, Generic LDAP and PowerShell Connectors to Connect

    On March 28, 2013, Microsoft put out Release Candidates for several new FIM Synchronization Service Connectors, including:

    • SharePoint User Profile Connector
    • Generic LDAP Connector for Open LDAP
    • PowerShell Connector

    The Release Candidate downloads are available via Microsoft Connect, along with the necessary upgrades to the FIM Sync Service, a technical reference for the SharePoint/LDAP connectors and some sample scripts (primarily SharePoint-related) for PowerShell

    These three connectors are probably three of the most-demanded connectors, and candidates for custom connectors, so it’s good to see Microsoft taking a proactive approach in developing these.

    Note that the connectors are still in Release Candidate only, so you shouldn’t be installing them in production environment yet.

  • Now Offering ECMA 2.0 Development Services

    With the number of FIM 2010 implementations growing at a staggering rate, the variety of systems that FIM is being used to integrate with is similarly growing. To meet the rising need for customised FIM Management Agents, and recognising that not every organisation has the in-house capability to develop its own, I am now offering Custom ECMA 2.0 MA Connector Development.

    Furthermore, for organisations that already have their own xMA’s built using the original ECMA 1 framework, but who are concerned about its recent deprecation, I am also now offering ECMA 1 to ECMA 2.0 Upgrade services. Upgrading early will not only ensure you are protected against when this functionality finally becomes obsolete, but it will also allow you to take advantage of some of the new functionality provided by the ECMA 2.0 framework.

    If you’re interested in taking advantage of either of these services, please view the “Our Services” menu in the top right, or refer directly to my Contact page.